Newton Croft, Howes Road, Aberdeen
What exactly is dog daycare?
Dog daycare is a chance for your dog to socialise and play off-lead with other dogs in a structured and safe environment. It is the perfect opportunity for them to learn much needed socialisation and pack skills by giving them the chance to interact with other dogs on a daily basis whilst having fun.
What are your opening times?
We are open Monday – Friday between 07:00-19:00
Are you insured?
Yes, our facility and staff are all fully insured.
Are you licensed?
Yes, our facility is Licensed by Aberdeen City Council. This is a legal requirement for Dog Daycare establishments in Aberdeen. (Licence number: ACC/ABL/10/21)
What dogs cannot attend daycare?
We pride ourselves in being able to work with most dogs however we are unable to accept the following breeds. If you have any questions regarding this lists, please contact us directly.
HERDING BREEDS: Belgian Shepherds, Border Collies, Kelpies, Swiss Shepherds & Australian Cattle dog
HUNTING BREEDS: Wolfhounds, Deerhounds & Greyhounds
GIANT BREEDS: Cane Corso & Mastiffs
OTHER: Huskies & Malamutes
What is the minimum age for my dog to attend daycare?
Puppies must have completed both rounds of their vaccinations at least 4 weeks before attending. This would put them around 14 weeks old.
What vaccinations do you require for my dog to attend daycare?
Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine Adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L.Canicol & L.itcerohaemorrhagiae), Canine Parvovirus and Kennel Cough – These are all standard in a routine course from your vet. NB: Kennel cough must be administered at least 2 weeks before attending at any age
Can we visit the facility before we book our dog into daycare?
We do not offer tours of our facility beyond reception unfortunately. Some of our guests can be a little sensitive to strangers. This ensures the safety of all dogs, staff and visitors.
What does the assessment/trial day consist of?
All new dogs are given a trial day as standard practice. The first stage consists of us getting to know you and your dog. After this, we would then start to slowly introduce your dog to select members of the pack to observe their socialisation abilities and check for any behavioral issues.
Once the trial is completed and if all has gone well, your dog will be a welcome member of the Pack.
Why do you carry out trial days?
This helps us evaluate the dog and match them up with potential playmates, but it is also a chance to see whether your dog is comfortable in a daycare environment
Do you offer a Pick Up / Drop Off Service?
At present we do not offer any transport as this helps to keep our daycare prices low. It is something that we will look at again in the future.​
Can dogs with health issues still attend daycare?
We do not discriminate and are happy to discuss any health issues and/or medicines your dog may require. We cannot however accept dogs with epilepsy or any condition that causes seizures.
Will my dog come home dirty?
Our play areas are all outside and unfortunately as we cannot control the weather, there may be days when your dog may be out playing in the rain etc. We do however try our best to dry/clean them off before they are picked up.
Do you provide food?
Due to so many varied diets & allergies we do not provide meals. Should you wish to provide your dog with a “packed lunch,” we will happily serve it to them.
Do you offer overnight boarding?
Unfortunately GPK9 does not offer an overnight boarding of dogs.
How is payment made?
Invoices are sent out on the last working day of the month and we accept cash, card or bank transfer. However, we are more than happy to accept payments weekly or after each session your dog attends if this is easier for you.
If you have any additional questions/queries out-with the above or even if you would just like to discuss them in greater details, please get in touch